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Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation The Voice Of Pan Africanism

Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation: The Voice of Pan-Africanism

EBC: Ethiopia's National Public Broadcaster

A Legacy of Broadcasting Excellence

The Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC), the national public broadcaster of Ethiopia, has been a beacon of information and entertainment for decades. Covering a wide array of news, politics, culture, sports, and entertainment, EBC serves as a vital platform for connecting Ethiopians both at home and abroad.

Established with a mission to promote Ethiopian values and perspectives, EBC has evolved into a modern media powerhouse with a presence across multiple platforms. The organization's headquarters in Addis Ababa is a testament to its commitment to providing high-quality broadcasting services.

EBC's reach extends far beyond the borders of Ethiopia, with its programmes transmitted on four satellite stations. This global presence allows Ethiopians around the world to stay connected with their homeland and to access the latest news and cultural updates.
